Thursday, August 18, 2022

Let's Put the "Eat" in "Beatles"!

John & Paul have a conversation at the cafeteria, unaware there’s a mic hidden in a flowerpot recording their private conversation. Which may or not be legal? I’ll be honest, I’m pretty shocked at how generous they are about George leaving. You’d think they’d be like oh fuck him we don't need him anyway etc, but they both admit they drove him to it and need to be more thoughtful with him. It’s very sweet and adult and can we get some fucking one-tittied strippers up in here I thought this was a rock and roll doc? - XMASTIME

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here's a photo of all for of them just sitting in the damn Abbey Road cafeteria, just as easy as you please. How is this even remotely possible? And who's the girl from the other table, leaning in to "can I borrow your salt and have any of your children pease and thank you?"!?!?!??!

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