Monday, September 19, 2022

A Thought on Obamacare

I love how over a decade later, Republicans are still screaming about Obama "lying" when he said that with Obamacare, you'd get to keep your doctor. Of course the howls of fake outage have been fierce ever since, without anybody once - that I've seen - asking exactly how many people having to sign up for government-subsidized healthcare had some sort of relationship with "their doctor" in the first place? Yeah on every episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry seems to be going to one doctor or another that he's obviously very close with and trusts, but he's a billionaire. I'm sure a lot of people with money do have close relationships with their doctors, but I'm *guessing* the majority of people don't have a "regular" doctor in the first place and are probably just happy to get any coverage at all.

Of course this claim is absolute bullshit, but of course it's the very people who need Obamacare the most who get swept up into believing this stupid shit, so. Ugh.

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