Tuesday, September 20, 2022


The anticipated box set reissue of Revolver is coming out next month and I am fucking gagging for it:
And the truth about Yellow Submarine is that John Lennon imagined a sorrowful, wry ballad, rooted in his own childhood. “In the town where I was born, No one cared, no one cared,” he wails in an early demo. It sounds, as Martin notes, more like a “maudlin, Woody Guthrie” chant than the oompah band final version.
I've never once given a thought to Yellow Submarine but that early version. sounds amazing. And also:
It turns out that without the film Get Back, on which Martin worked with Jackson, this new, enhanced edition of Revolver would not have happened. The technology developed by Jackson, and deployed to pick out individual instruments and voices, was crucial for working on such a basic master tape, one deliberately compressed to suit early vinyl LPs. “It was sort of mono and they had to lessen the bass sound so the needle would not jump,” said Martin, who has compared the impact of Jackson’s sound technology to unbaking a cake without adulterating the ingredients. “In my view when you listen to music, it doesn’t get old. We change our attitudes and get old, but the songs stay the same and should sound that way.”

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