Monday, September 19, 2022

The Queen

People are curious re: why I haven’t written much about the Queen’s funeral. The simple answer is I don’t have cable; without cable it’s hard to get sucked into an event like this, you don’t feel like you’re a part of everybody else watching, a shared event to be remembered for always. I’m sure I’ll watch a PBS-style documentation of the whole thing, which will be fine. A harder answer would be, what could I possible say? She’s amazing, her longevity is amazing and her seemingly impossible human touch is what everybody seems to be celebrating, and it’s remarkable. It’s crazy to think about someone being thee for aooooooo on hand then suddenly they’re gimme but that’s unfortunately how life works. I guess I just feel lucky I not only shared time on Earth with her, but 50 years is a pretty good chunk of time.  Long live The Queen! 

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