Thursday, October 13, 2022

Depressing du Jour, Ugh

Sometimes I wonder if Republicans are truly terrible or if there’s just a lot of people who think politics is like watching a movie and doesn’t actually affect people (least of all themselves of course). 🤔🤷‍ - XMASTIME

Today over at Salon:

The key is that many on the far right see themselves as fictional heroes in the solipsistic soup inside their heads. The fact that anyone takes them seriously is a dire reflection on the electorate as whole.

The "Let's Go Brandon" and "Trump Is My God" signs you saw along the country roads of mid-Missouri even a few months ago speak to the savagery of the present. Their relative absence in mid-October, a few weeks before the midterm elections, speaks perhaps to the growing realization that there are consequences for all this discord that most Americans don't want to face, including total government upheaval on a scale not seen since the Civil War. 

Of course the author throughout the article is almost quaint, dreaming that MAGA people have "had enough!" and will recede back to normalcy, which of course is absolutely ridiculous. We're about to watch a months-long shitshow of a brawl between Donald Trump & Ron DeSantis each trying to out-do each other with how cruel they're determined to be to non-wealthy people once elected president, and we're all going to watch it like it's a cartoon and then be surprised when, after 70M fuckers vote saying "aww fuck it, it doesn't matter", everybody's lives are even shittier than before. Great.

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