Sunday, October 23, 2022

"In the Place Where I Was Born, No One Cared"

Like anyone with extreme good taste who's spent the last 30 years obsessed with every detail of The Beatles, having read all the books and broken down every song I thought okay, I at least am AWARE of everything out there, whether or not I think it matters not.

Also like anyone with extreme good taste who's spent the last 30 years obsessed with every detail of The Beatles, having read all the books and broken down every song I thought okay, I always assumed Yellow Submarine was a tossed-off throwaway song Paul crapped out to give Ringo; over the years I've even groused that the non-seriousness of it almost tarnishes the exquisite Revolver (both Marley & I, in a rare moment of simpatico-noninterruptus, list it as our least favorite song on the album). It's a stand-alone goofy kids song with an entire movie around it the next year, why put it on a REAL album?

And then like the rest of the Beatles-loving world, I was delivered a fucking bomb by the revelation  - thanks to the new Revolver box set - that it actually started with John Lennon, as a tremendously sad song about his childhood (which would later be out through the ringer (ringer? or wringer? 🤔🤷‍♂️), from Strawberry Fields Forever to Julia to years of therapy and everything in between). I am, in a word, gobsmacked. First of all, I still can't get over the gift that was delivered to us via Get Back just under a year ago, and now this? 50 years after their breakup, The goddam Beatles are still delivering amazing shit to us we didn't even know existed. Just this snippet of a working demo has so much of an emotional wallop to it, I just can't believe that they just tossed it off and into a kid sing-along song. Unbelievable.

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