Sunday, October 16, 2022


Everyone's in a tizzy over how much to make or not make of Jeremy Lin being Asian.  To me, someone lighting up the NBA out of Harvard is far more interesting.  I mean, here's someone who probably scored higher on the SATs than me, perhaps makes more money than me AND might be a better basketball player? I mean, if this guy even human? Wtf? Also, whenever he turns the ball over while going to the hoop do people accuse him of "driving while Asian"? BOOM! - XMASTIME

The last exciting thing that happened in NYC right before I left was Linsanity, which was so incredible it actually made the Knicks likeable and watchable. I may watch the HBO doc about it but listening to the always-great Larry Wilmore right now I'm shocked to learn not that he got 0 scholarship offers out of high school but that it happened after he was selected the state Player of the Year for...CALIFORNIA!!!?!??! I mean dafuck it's not like he was POY for Hawaii or Delaware, California?!?! 

Maybe racism? 😬

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