Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Solutions for a Better America. I Have Them.

Chris Rock famously had a bit about gun control a million years ago when it was still a quaint issue, saying that charging $5,000 per bullet would stop mass shootings. I say I can do better:

Every gun owner is awarded exactly three bullets. Upon firing any of those three bullets he may go the police station and, showing valid proof that the bullets he used were for actual good use, may have the exact same number of bullets awarded as he had fired. And all this can be within hours of shooting whatever or whomever they were shooting.

This takes care of every male's stupid fantasies about "protecting his family from intruders", while keeping an actual record of every single bullet these people have and, more importantly, how they use them. Anyone who's been found shooting four bullets will find himself in major legal trouble. And yes, rifle ranges can still be a thing as long as they're as heavily controlled as they seeem to be now.

You're welcome, America!

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