Friday, November 11, 2022

A Few Notes on the First Episode & a Half of Season 5 of THE CROWN

Wow, am I bored out of my mind. This is a bit shocking, not once have I come back to The Crown and regretted it but I'm miffed I'm not getting these 90 minutes back. Full-on fucking bore, it is. A lot of metaphors about the Queen aging and oh gee Charles & Diana aren't living the perfect life. An episode and a half and nothing has happened that I give a shit about. This is a concern moving forward.

Dominic West is way too ruggedly handsome and charismatic to play Charles. Camon, people.

90% of people are gonna tune in to see see how much the actor playing Diana looks like Diana and I can report that she'd be absolutely perfect were it not for an unfortunately-too-weak chin.

When we left Prince Phillip at the end of Season 4 he was a bucking bronco of a middle-aged man, vibrant as ever. But for Season 5, only about 12 years later, he's now doddering old fool who looks like he's 150 years old and is about 10 seconds away from being set in front of a tv to distract him with the flahy lights & colors. Dafuck?

Tis is my first hiccup with this brilliant show, and I am worried.

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