Sunday, November 06, 2022

A Few Thoughts on Last Night's SNL Episode

A few weeks ago I was elated to think they'd finally ditched the fucking interminable Trump or Biden cold open sketches. Unfortunately, they have not. 😡

Is every cast now gonna have a "fat girl as constant Melissa McCarthey wanna-be" now?

The Covid sketch was fantastic, mostly due to it nailing the truthfulness. The Looker one was really great too.

The breakout star of this freshmen cast should be Marcello Hernandez, mfer is just flat-out hilarious. Period.

I was really hoping a shark would appear outta nowhere for the otherwise just okay Pinx sketch.

I mean how the fuck more can the show milk out of "wow young people are weak & stupid with their phones & toys etc!!!!!"? As professional funny people, just like with the cold opens at some point doesn't embarrassment set in? If I was running the writer's room - full disclosure, I am not - I'd try to find a fun way to flip this tired, worn-down premise anybody could whip up in about 0 minutes.

I thought the big penis thing was gonna be a take-down of the curiously famous Pete Davidson, but it was not.

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