Wednesday, November 09, 2022

A Few (Very Few) Thoughts on Last Night's Elections

It's fun thinking Trump has finally been vanquished but I'm *guessing* it's the exact same wishful thinking we Democrats have been hoping for over the same 7 years we were hoping every time Trump shit in his own mouth that was THE END!! of his political career, and yet here he remains.

If I'm DeSantis' advisor I tell him he'd be insane to run against Trump in '24. Once again, everybody's already assuming the normal rules apply to Trump and that Rational Point A + Rational Point B = Rational Solution C. But Trump is still the absolute King of the Cult, and until he's finally ACTUALLY REMOVED FROM THE STAGE, ie dead, it's pointless for DeSantis to go up against Trump. He will not only lose, but he'll be so shredded/abused by Trump he'll be ruined for the next election as well. And he's only 44 years old, so what's the rush? Sure 6 years sounds like a long time, but 6 years ago we were laughing at the idea of Trump even being a candidate and since then he's overtaken the planet and it feels like it's about 10 minutes ago. Well, and 10 centuries, but that's life with Trump. Let Trump continue destroying the Republican Party until it's in absolute tatters, and then DeSantis came breeze in without having to worry about Trump and then be the hero for "saving" the party. Otherwise it's going to be a year & a half of being absolutely humiliated by Trump calling him "Ron DeShithead" and calling his wife ugly and the usual Trump greatest hits which, I'm sorry to say, works every time - but only if you're actually Trump.. 

But hey, that's me.

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