Tuesday, November 01, 2022

An Update on the Elon Musk Era Over at Twitter

After a few days, from what I can tell his genius plan is to 1) incite some sort of "Lords vs. serfs!" warfare to encourage people to 2) get a blue check that is normally reserved for actual celebrities to confirm it's really them (this includes news journalists et al, btw) 3) which will immediately spur people to just buy blue checks and stick celebrities' names on them, therein clouding everything up that much more 4) all while trying to make everybody pay $8/mo. for something they've gotten absolutely free for 15 years and hate anyway.

So...that's where we are right now?

He seems to, for some reason, be adopting the "local newspaper desperately hanging on for dear life" model of suddenly asking people to subscribe due to lack of advertising, which I'm pretty sure up to and including this moment has a success rate of right around 0%.

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