Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Current Events

I don't have any clue what Trump will say during tonight's big announcement, and I told ya'll a few days ago what I think Ron DeSantis should do if Trump is running (spoiler alert: Trump's running) but I do know that if his bff Elon Musk doesn't use the announcement to reveal Trump's triumphant return to Twitter then I really don't know what the hell these people are really doing with themselves anymore.

Either way, once the Turd King is slain - which could be tonight or it could be 6 years from now - I look forward to Republicans *suddenly!!* being OUTRAGED!!! at Trump's behavior, personally and politically and criminally, after years & years of either sucking their lips to his asshole to please him or pathetically trying to act like him to please him, and of course because we're fucking idiots all of their complicit dereliction of duty and straight-up betrayal to a country they so loudly proclaim to love will be forgiven immediately, complete with heroic pats on the back. Fucking hell.

And I don't know but are people joking whenever they say he'll run again just to avoid prosecution? Is that a real thing? Not that I'm worried he'll ever actually have to spend a moment of incarceration or even a real threat of it but if it is, wouldn't that just mean that every person looking to be doing some shady shit can just say "oh sorry you can't charge me with anything since I'm pretending to run running for president?" Dafuck?

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