Friday, November 11, 2022

Oh Vey, Can You Vey?

It's been fun over the last week watching Elon Musk shit himself every 10 minutes on Twitter, the substitute teacher spinning in circles playing Whack-a-Mole with as his pupils only make more & more fun of him, but in all seriousness if he honestly believes that we need more "citizen journalism" then he's a huge part of the problem. We don't need more "citizen journalism", we need less of it and more ACTUAL journalism. And with Musk trying to out-clever everybody with blue mark verification he's made things stunningly worse, including this Kyrie Irving debacle, only the latest in what will be a long line over avoidable pseudo-catastrophes that are funny now but may have real-world consequences when the next, say, national election rolls around and this dipshit continues to make things worse every day promoting "citizen journalism", which as always will remain "jackassery".

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