Sunday, November 06, 2022

REVOLVER Piece by Piece

First of all, I can't believe that after 30+ years of having Revolver in my Top 3, along with A Hard Day's Night & The White Album, in the Year of Our Bored 2022 I FIND THE GODDAM ALBUM TO BE EVEN BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE?!?!?! Wtf???!

It's also hysterical that the album that's known for exploding the possibilities of music & culture & technology starts out with George Harrison bitching about taxes 🤣. And it's not a metaphor for anything deeper or greater, it's pretty straight-up about a guy (checks notes) bitching about taxes. As I spotted years ago, this makes him the original Tea Partier!

It's also funny that during the same sessions where Paul sings an open letter to a publishing company about wanting to be a paperback writer he records Eleanor Rigby, a breathtaking & full story that clocks in at a miraculously tight 2:06. Bananas, guys, bananas!!!

Love You To is one of my all-time favorite Beatles opening moments; after a few bits of the sitar/tabla stuff the song drops in so smoothly, spreading like a drop of water on a table.

And of course with the re-release we get a gift like hearing just the strings on Eleanor Rigby 🤗🤗🤗🤗

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