Friday, November 04, 2022

Your Fab Four Friday

At some point during The Beatles Get Back documentary, Paul McCartney replied to someone mentioning he & John didn't seem to write together as much anymore with of course they didn't since not only were they no longer in each other's laps as they were from 1957 on, but they'd grown up a bit & were starting to have separate lives with wives, families et al. In an interview from 1970, John Lennon pretty much said the same thing about why The Beatles would never reunite:

“By the time The Beatles were at their peak, we were cutting each other down to size. We were limiting our capacity to write and perform by fitting it into some kind of format, and that’s why it caused trouble. I knew I wouldn’t be doing the same thing. It just doesn’t work like that. It’s like a rugby team. Sometimes you just have to get married and leave the boys on a Saturday night. That’s just how it is.”

And of course they were both right. Now here's a peak of the doc in case you've been in a cave for the past year LIKE AN IDIOT!!

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