Thursday, December 08, 2022

A Brief Note on the Democratic Victory from the Other Night

On one hand, Democrats should be flabbergasted that in light of all that's happened over the past several years with Trump & Co. they BAAAAAAAAARELY eked out a win against Herschel Walker, who's main claim during his campaign was something about being not that retarded and that he used to run really fast with a ball in his hand. 

On the other hand, my spidey senses tell me that while Republican voters will still be fucking pieces of garbage, they've maybe had enough of the Republicans picking candidates like a head coach who believes its his system that does the wining and the actual players themselves don't matter.

Let's not forget the Republicans are a party who in 2020 rather proudly, VERY smugly & pleased with themselves announced they had no other platform other than "WHATEVER TRUMP SAYS!" and now here we are, pinching ourselves with how lucky we are to have eked out a victory which won't matter in Congress anyway since we are now dedicated to the principle of Minority Rule, at least until the Republicans are no longer in the minority. 

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