Friday, December 09, 2022

Fuck This Bitch

Pretend Democrat Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona is ditching the Democratic Party:

Sinema’s willingness to carry water for even the most politically toxic elements of the plutocratic agenda has generated cynicism and suspicion on the left. But it is difficult to discern any personal interest she is advancing through these positions. That she has put her own political future at risk suggests the motivating force is genuine conviction, albeit of a pathetically gullible variety. Sinema seems to have grown so receptive to special pleading from the wealthy that she is unable to distinguish between their interests and those of the public.

I guess with Herschel Walker losing the other day she's terrified she won't be the belle of the ball anymore, playing footsie with Democrats before spurning them the second any GOP billionaire gives her a wink. Good riddance, she needs to get clobbered in 2024 and she is a fucking piece of shit.

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