Thursday, January 26, 2023

42 Years Ago Today

Paul McCartney was released from a Japanese prison after spending 10 days 10 FUCKING DAYS for being found with a joint:

As Paul leaves the detention cell, he says: “Japanese fans are so great. I want to come back again if I’m allowed.” Later on the plane home, Paul fights back tears, “This is the longest time I have ever been away from Linda and the kids in ten years. I don’t ever want a separation like it again.” Followed by reporters every step of the way home, Paul comments: “I sang Yesterday to a killer in the bath! I joined my fellow inmates for a dip in the baths and they asked for a sing-song. I communicated with the other prisoners by knocking on the walls and shouting. I became quite matey with the chap next door. We told each other the worst jokes in the world. Discipline in the prison was very strict, but I made friends among the prisoners and guards. But I was never allowed to see sunlight or get a breath of fresh air. That was depressing!”

How the fuck has nobody ever gone and found these prisoners who shared a cell block with a gotdam Beatle for 10 days and made a documentary about them and what they remember?!?!?!

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