Thursday, January 05, 2023

All About That Bass

Today's a pretty historic day according to The Beatles Bible:

Paul McCartney played bass guitar with the Beatles for the first time on 5 January 1961, during a show at Litherland Town Hall on Merseyside. He moved onto bass because Stuart Sutcliffe had chosen to stay in Hamburg with Astrid Kirchherr.

I wondered a while back on how history changed in that moment:

A better version of the movie Yesterday (which I reviewed here) would be revisiting the fateful moment when Paul picked up the bass after Stuart Sutcliffe left the band. Normally, John being the inferior guitar player would mean he'd be relegated to being the bass player, but him being the leader of the band allowing him to refuse, leaving it to Paul, forever changed the future of the band and rock and roll itself, as Paul went on to become the most inventive bass player of all time. With John on bass, how different would The Beatles have turned out?

I think that's the first time I've ever purposely enlarged a link but it's that important to the story. In that tiny moment, everything changed. Incredible.

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