Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Mac & Rub

If you don't have Hulu then you're in luck, someone put the entire McCartney 3,2,1 show up on YouTube so watch it while you can IT IS STUNNING!!

Me, when the show came out:

There are two things that are astonishing about this miniseries doc: Paul McCartney is widely celebrated as the greatest rock & roll bass player ever - certainly the most melodic/creative - but in peeling these songs back to the bass parts, you realize it's possible Paul McCartney is fucking underrated as a bass player!!! The stuff he does for each song is crazy. The second thing is that you can only wonder, why did he put so much work and thought into the bass parts in the first place, knowing there's no way in hell people with their shitty little stereos would hear them? Sure we can now with our modern equipment, but nobody back then hearing the songs blasting through the radio would pick up on the brilliance of his playing.

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