Wednesday, January 04, 2023

March Gladness, Finally?

Thankfully, the NCAA is starting to think about expanding its March madness field, which should've been obvious before now since they don't even pretend that any other part of the college basketball season matters:
The committee is recommending allowing 25% of teams in sports sponsored by at least 200 schools to compete in championship events. That opens the door to possible expansion of the March Madness basketball tournaments from 68 to as many as 90 teams each.

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you call this bullshit out back in 2010?"

Sigh. Yes I did, faithful readers, YES I did: 
And it looks like the NCAA is gonna expand it's number of teams in the tournament to 96. Which to me is a waste of fucking time. To me they should either go back to making it open only to league champions, or just let every fucking team in. Any of this middle of the road to even MORE middle of the road nonsense is just a waste of time. Let every team in!  More games means more $$$$, which I know they like. And the door would be open (though not likely) for a REAL Milan-esque upset. That's what helped make Indiana high school basketball so intriguing to everybody for so long, that all the teams were thrown into the same tournament. They stopped this for some reason in 1997, aka the last year anyone outside of Indiana gave a shit about the Indiana state tournament.

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