Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Quarter Dafuck?

I got sucked into reading a listicle on "secrets" of McDonald's, and by that I mean I gleefully clapped my hands and squealed with glee when I saw the headline, and while most of them are either who-gives-a-shit or something I already knew, this is perplexing (it's a word, look it up) to me:

6. The freshest thing to order? "Quarter meat is fresh," according to Ashton. "It’s in a fridge. It’s not frozen. We drop it in every time we get an order. So, if you want something fresh, order a quarter pounder."

I don't wanna get all "why don't they make the entire plane out of the black box" here, but why just the Quarter Pounders? Why not all the burgers? 🤔🤷‍♂️

Anyway here's some fucking Sinbad, you're welcome.

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