Monday, February 06, 2023

15 Years Ago Today On Xmastime

I had some thoughts on...milkshakes? 🤔🤷‍♂️

Every show on tv I see or book I read that discusses the fast food industry, they always knowingly say as we should already assume that the standard order for the average customer is a burger, fries and shake. Really? A shake? I've been to fast food restaurants once or twice in my life and my thirst quencher has aleays been a soda. I've never ordered a shake from a fast food joint along with a meal; MAYBE I've walked in to get one on a hot summer day or some shit. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever seen ANYbody order a shake with a meal. What the fuck. What's this subliminal propagandist crap they're trying to push on us? "Oh, get the shake, it's the industry standard, EVERYone gets a shake!" Like when the girl from the agency shows up and tries to tell you "all my other clients are into just kickin it, watching tv and having some laughs", right? Camon.

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