Wednesday, February 22, 2023

A Short Note On Our Potential National Divorce + Other Current Political Matters Because I Hate Myself

A lot of furor has been kicked around re: Margaret Taylor Greene's Tweet suggestion re: splitting up the country. While I of course beat her to this idea only about 15 years ago, she seems confused:

1) Does she not realize Georgia is a BIT of a Blue State now?

2) Can states move back and forth between countries if their demographics change?

3) That's the other problem - even after dividing the country up she doesn't seem to understand that makes TWO countries. She wants to BREAK UP NOW! and yeeeeeeet she still wants to keep a few things she likes, such as the Blue States still funding "national" defense for both countries. 

4) This of course is a big problem with people having a hard time understanding the severity of the Civil War; this wasn't a case of two brothers playfully wrestling and then coming back together at the dinner table, it was a group actually becoming another country and then fighting against the United States America

5) She's doubled down by suggesting that if people from blue states move to red states they can, but they still won't be allowed to "bring their values in" and vote (no word on if someone swings the other way, of course) which is literally the single-most un-American thing you can think of. It's fine if that's what you wanna do, but you don't get to call it "American", or suggest that's something the Founding Fathers you stupidly pretend you've read about would be in favor of

6) Obviously this won't happen - about ten minutes in, the Red State Country would realize where all their money really comes from and they'll come scrambling back to the "evil!" Blue State Country

7) None of this is even remotely as bad as the absolute lunacy that is The Speaker of the House handing over 41,000 hours of security tapes of the January 6 Capital insurrection to Tucker Carlson but hey I guess we’re all just supposed to pretend that’s no big deal since all it’s going to do is let Tucker Carlson to shape the narrative any way he wants (cue to magic video footage of bare-chested, oiled-up Trump bravely fighting off black & brown people at the Capital) and GEE provide the perfect blueprint/roadmap for their next attempt

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