Monday, February 06, 2023

Oh, Vey

Via this week's recap
of All Creatures Great and Small (YES of course I am typing this through salty tears damn you drooped cookies in the tin DAMN YOU!!):
I’m stunned every time I think about the people who lived through World War I and World War II, especially people who lost a spouse in the first war and then had to send a child off to the second. 
There must be a list of people who lost someone in the first World War who then, fully believing that would be the worst event of their lifetimes, lost somebody else in the second World War. That's fucking nuts. I mean not "the guy who survived Hiroshima and then moseyed over to Nagasaki and survived that too" nuts, but imagine how unlucky you'd feel, happening to be born at such a terrible moment in human history, to be at such an age that your life can be torn apart by each of history's two worst global moments.

Previous thoughts on being born unlucky HERE.

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