Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Check Out the Chicks at the Library, Part II

About 6 months ago I wandered into my company’s "Library". I’d been told we had a library; I was curious to see if it had “real” books so I popped in to check it out. Turns out it does NOT have “real” books, it was a room full of self-help/business/bullshit books and the last remaining daily newspapers on Earth. But for some reason I reveled a bit in the quaint warmth/coziness of the place, sat down and opened a newspaper and before I realized it had been happily chatting and joking with the librarian for about 10 minutes. Usually I’m terrible at small talk/chatty shit but I was on fire with the jokes and the pleasantries and the blah blah blah. I even told her to expect me back about once a week.

So of course the second I left it never entered my mind again until this morning when someone told me they were giving away pies there. Pies, in the library. WTF, I wondered…so I decided this was the perfect time to reacquaint myself with this librarian I’d been such BFF with only months before.  And there were little blueberry pies there, and I don’t even really know why, so I happily took a piece and a few minutes later realized that I’d once again been blathering away just as easy as you please with the librarian. Nailing all the jokes, volunteering small talk, etc etc, I was great. “We really are bff!” I patted myself on the back as I said goodbye. Which is funny, because if I’m being honest and you had a gun to my head (cause? effect? ooooooooh!!!!) I couldn’t really tell you for sure if it was the same librarian. She SEEMED to be the same, but I’m not really sure.

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “wasn’t your mother a librarian when you were a kid and didn’t you spend tons of time there and maybe as a result are just very comfortable being in libraries chatting with librarians?"

Sigh. Yes she was, faithful readers, YES she was.

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