Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Holy Crap

I almost missed Eric Idle’s 80th Birfday!! 🤗🤗🤣🤣🇬🇧🇬🇧

From a post a million years ago:

Following the success of Holy Grail, reporters asked for the title of the next Python film, despite the fact that the team had not even begun to consider a third one. Eventually, Idle once flippantly replied "Jesus Christ and His Lust for Glory", which became the group's stock answer once they realised that it shut reporters up.

No matter how great Life of Brian was, Eric Idle cracking "Jesus Christ and His Lust for Glory" has to be the single funniest thing ever said out loud. I mean, I couldn't have come up with that in 100 years, and Idle just tossed it off like that. Fucking incredible. I say that over and over, and it fucking kills me. What a line. I can't imagine anything that could be funnier.

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