Friday, March 17, 2023

Horrible Greatness

A few years ago I posted about this famous photo, and just now I'm realizing I hand't realized it was taken 50 years ago today. So now I'm reminded to wonder why the fuck has this story not been turned into a movie? I mean, dafuck - American hero spends 5 years in a Vietnam POW camp and then gets a Dear John letter hours before finally being sent home?  And the moment he finally has to confront his wife is one that's been enshrouded in the American flag of our collective consciousnesses for half a century?!?!

The best moment of his life meeting the worst moment of his life.

Of course, the real kick in the nuts:

In 1974, the Stirms divorced and Loretta remarried, but Lt Col Stirm was still ordered by the courts to provide her with 43% of his military retirement pay once he retired from the Air Force.

Looking for investors, people!

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