Sunday, March 19, 2023

Integrity. I Have It.

Two points on my earlier post on The White Shadow:

Then again, they didn't really know the show was ending - the plot of the final episode centers around an alumni game, so they bring Reese, Hayward, Go-Go and Goldstein back for it. So....I guess they DID know it was the last episode? Otherwise why do a "where are they now?" routine for a nice, warm goodbye to all these guys we all   l   o   v   e   d.

So Thorpe is shot, but not once does someone mention Curtis Jackson? - I stand by this being a weird thing for that episode, but in the final one they actually do a really nice job of mentioning Jackson, even with Reese visiting him at the cemetery (as bananas as you people know I think this shit is.)


BONUS: during this episode I've also learned I have no idea what Ella Fitzgerald looked like.

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