Friday, March 17, 2023

NCAA Tournament Time with Xmastime

Anyone already make the "Chris Weber must be breaking out the champagne" jokes after the Kihei Clark moment?

Clark and Jim Boeheim. Two great college basketball careers dressed up in bright orange and greatly defined by their absurd lengths of time ended suddenly and ignominiously. Sad.

I mean not Patrick Ewing ignominiously, but still. I don't like any of it. 😥

OMG YA'LL I just realized that Ewing post was posted 15 years ago...ON THIS DAY!!!!

Looking forward to a few "dammit I was just finally learning how to spell Kihei correctly" or "he'll have a lot to prove in his upcoming 11th season..." jokes. But really, I hope he moves on fine and is okay after such a disastrous moment. Virginia fans don't own him anything but a big fat "thanks" hug.

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