Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Ted Lassso S3E3, Just a Few Thoughts

I love Colin and don’t care whether or not he’s gay but I refuse to believe someone his size with that body could be in the Premier League 🤣🤣🤣🤗🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

I'm loving how bizarre Zava is; I expected him to be a monster so it's a nice twist. I hope he stays bizarre, but I'm *guessing* he'll be a monster soon enough and need to be disposed of.

The whole Trent Crimm as John Feinstein thing is a genius device for a show like this, and it helps that you can't help but like Trent Crimm.

For the love of fuck does anybody give a shit about the Roy/Keeley thing? JUST PUT THEM BACK TOGETHER AND WE CAN ALL PRETEND THEY NEVER BROKE UP

The way they've held Nate the Great back so far I'm guessing there's gonna be an explosive Nate/Ted moment soon enough.

Something about how happily/vigorously Roy Kent nods his head when Ted says "maths" correctly is insanely funny & rewatchable.

It's bad enough my alarm bells are going off when I saw this episode is 50 MINUTES but then I see that almost 8 minutes in, the fucking credits are still floating up on the screen!!

Yes, yes, yes, I've got a thing already about that sort of thing, thanks for not asking:

5) I’m sitting there watching the beginning of ‘Jerry McGuire’ last night and a few minutes in I start to notice that credits are still popping up on the screen. What the fuck. And by this point I don’t even mean “Tom Cruise” or “Cuba Gooding, Jr”, I mean “Music Supervisor Randy Whittman.” Camon. Credits are annoying enough, and now I check my clock and we’re NINE MINUTES IN, and we’re still having them fucking pop up??!?! And they don’t even just throw them out there, they fucking take a minute or so between them. What the fuck is this for – suspense? “Hold on…who’s the assistant cinematographer here? Who? WHO THE FUCK IS TH- oh, good. Jim Dickhead. He’s good.” I realize they’re folding them in as the movie is rolling, as if they’re part of the fucking story. Which is, I will say, a tad distracting when you’re trying to get a grip at the beginning of a flick. Luckily as I said is was only ‘Jerry McGuire’, so I already knew that I was in for 2 hours of wanting to kick the little kid in the face, Cuba Gooding screaming, and Renee Zellwigger’s face looking like Tomcat just cut one.

More Higgins please!

Zava looks like he could be 70. And does he look just like John Turturro in The Big Lebowski, and is that why they sneaked in a White Russian line?

You could call it a sports show trope but is it super strange that there was no leadup to the first game with Zava? Like, no scenes of them at practice getting to know how to play with him? Dafuck?

The physical comedy/sight gags all through the scene with Zava meeting the team were fantastic.

Are we really supposed to believe Ted didn't notice he didn't have his phone until so late in the day?

The lipstick didn't look right but it's always a good time to have Sassy in an episode.

Dammit. I didn't plan on talking about the episode - I don't think I did for last week's episode - but my dedication to you people knows no bounce. You're welcome, Earf!

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