Tuesday, March 07, 2023

The Night I Met Bruce Springsteen, 20 Years Ago Today

I'm just doing some bulleted points for this as I'm too tired to prose this shit out for you people.

Op & I spent the morning frantically going over the previous night's set in Richmond, VA

I rehearsed my one line should I get to say anything to Bruce (doubtful), which would be about him playing my "hometown" of Richmond the previous night

While on the bus en route to Atlantic City Dave calls me & Op to tell us that if we make it in time we can hang out with Bruce at sound check too

I freaked out, I'd worked so hard on my one line about Richmond the night before, if I'm meeting Bruce earlier then what the hell I gotta come up with another line!?!?!?

We didn't make to to sound check

After the show Dave led us backstage, where there was a line of people waiting to meet Bruce. I figured he'd run down the hall, slap us all five and then a large t-shirt cannon would launch me back to fucking 100 Metro. Which would still have been something I'd be breathlessly blathering about 20 years later., of course. I was ecstatic.

Bruce popped his head out of the room! Quickly said hi to us, shook our hands and sprinted down the hall. "I'll be right back!"

He disappeared. Again, I thought that was it, and couldn't believe it had happened and thought I had a story I'd tell for the rest of my life.

His wife Patti came out, offered us some wine and chatted a bit, super-sweet/nice

Bruce came back! And the next thing you know it was just us & Bruce in the room. Nobody else.

Bruce spent the first few minutes scrambling around trying to find us something to drink. Adorable.

We went around the room and when it was my turn I stepped forward, one step, just like McConaughey in Dazed & Confused, said the line I'd rehearsed then stepped back, happily patting myself on the back.

He chatted on & on about the previous night's show, which he was excited about because his old friend Bruce Hornsby (no relation) had joined him for a song. Op & I earnestly nodded along as if we hadn't already broken down every single second of it from online reports.

His sister came and met us, then his Uncle Juan, and then his mother, whom he so brilliantly and beautifully talked about in his Springsteen on Broadway Netflix show. His mother asked if we'd enjoyed the show. Adorable.

After about 10 minutes with just Bruce people were starting to pile in, so we figured it was time to leave. Dave asked Bruce if we could get a picture, to which Bruce excitedly said sure and then asked if we wanted him to take the picture for us. Adorable.

And then it was over. I've read everything there is to read about Bruce Springsteen and have witnessed everybody's testimony about how great he is and the fact is he was even nicer and more accommodating to a bunch of nobodies than I could've dreamed.

Well. I guess that's about all there is to it.

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