Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Universe is Fucking Scary That's Just How It Is

Every week the digital version of my hometown paper pops into my inbox and I'll usually dick around the sports section and then snoop around for any gossipy shit I can later pretend to be surprised about. For some reason - I have no idea why- I kept cruising thru the rest of today's paper. I actually looked at the entire thing, all the way down to the last page and the Trivia Quiz.

Now. In the meantime. JUST TWO DAYS AGO!!! I posted this:

Based on the amount of time we spent talking about it, I can't say I was expecting to never ever hear about the whole "schwa" thing again after 3rd grade. 🤔 🤷‍♂️

And just what is on today's Trivia Quiz, you ask? Take a look at #7 below. Then step away from your desktop, put on your jacket and take a walk outside while you ponder exactly how mysteriously connected I am to this weird thing we call "The Universe is". 😬🤯😬🤯😬🤯😬🤯

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