Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Transcript Time 😬😬😬😬

...by college my talents were at such perfect pitch that I took a theater class in college and got a B without having any idea where the theater actually was on campus - upon being confronted by my professor about the validity of one of my "reviews" my performance was, ironically, award-winning theater... - XMASTIME

I recently stumbled into a copy of my college transcript, to wit some highlights if you please:

So let's take a moment to pat ME on the back. It's hard to actually stay in a school for 4 years with grades like these, but I did it. Apparently during my college years I was the living, breathing personification of this Bob Ueker quote:

"Anybody with ability can play in the big leagues. But to be able to trick people year in and year out the way I did, I think that was a much greater feat."

Beginning Swimming C-

Beginning Bowling F 

Beginning Yoga C- so far, it looks like I wasn't really great at beginning things

Intro to Theater D - see above quote

Jazz, Folk, Rock and Broadway C- where the fuck was I, the Fame school? Majoring in “never getting chicks”?

Human Sexuality D that figures...I was prolly thinking "hey why study, I'm never gonna use THIS in real life!"

Intro to Leisure Serv Deliv C- I don't even know that the hell class this is...Little Caesar's gave out grades? wtf?

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