Saturday, April 01, 2023


Oh good, yet another reason to wonder why the fuck I live in America: Ireland is rolling out a program to help artists focus on hey, would you believe, probably not if you live here, their art:

Fay, 32, who lives in Kilkenny in southern Ireland and specializes in drawing muscly superheroes, was only earning enough money to pay his bills, he recalled recently. He couldn’t afford vacations. He was considering boxing up his art supplies and getting a job in a grocery store. Then, in September, a lifeline appeared in his email inbox. A message from Ireland’s government said that Fay had been selected for a program guaranteeing 2,000 artists a basic income. For three years, participants — including musicians, novelists and circus performers — would be paid 16,900 euros a year, about $18,200, no strings attached.

 I'm only half-kidding when I say that between the people I actually know and the stuff I see on any screen I'm looking at during any moment of any random day, if anyone suggested this for America they'd be called a loser socialist faggot who doesn't wrap his lips around the Golden Ass of the Pretend Free Market. Because God forbid we try to give people a little happiness by allowing them to do what they love.

Okay now I feel bad about spending more time bitching about America than celebrating Ireland for this...but I'm too lazy to go back and change it so we're all stuck with it now 😜

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