Monday, April 17, 2023

Cheers to The Honeycombs!

I don't really know why this popped up on Twitter and I don't care; any excuse I can have for posting Have I the Right - one of my Top 50 songs of all time - is just fine by me. Oh - AND it made the greatest mix tape of all time! From their Wikipedia:

Producer Joe Meek used his apartment, at 304 Holloway Road, Islington, as a recording studio. Three UK No. 1 hits were produced there: "Johnny Remember Me" by John Leyton, "Telstar" by The Tornados, and "Have I the Right?" Conspicuous in "Have I the Right?" is the prominence of the drums, whose effect was enhanced by members of the group stamping their feet on the wooden stairs to the studio. Meek recorded the effect with five microphones fixed to the banisters with bicycle clips. For the finishing touch, someone beat a tambourine directly onto a microphone. The recording was also somewhat sped up. 

I always assumed as much with the unique, perfect & awesome foot stomping. Thank you, brilliant weirdo Joe Meek! 🤗🕺

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