Saturday, April 08, 2023

Clarence, Sunny in Philly & Nazis, Oh My!

So the next terrible part of the Clarence Thomas thing* is apparently his billionaire buddy is a Nazi memorabilia collector.

However anybody wants to try and explain or defend this God be with them, but it is fairly remarkable that a member of the "highest court in the land" has pretty much not only placed us all into an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but in the only instance of the show's entire run in which even those motherfuckers were horrified enough to not wanna be associated with it.

So. Thhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat's great.

*I've noticed that at least 3 of the the biggest news things over the last week or so - the LSU/Iowa nonsense, the Tennessee Trio and now Clarence Thomas - have all started out absolutely terrible and yet somehow have each gotten worse every time there's an update. Incredible.

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