Sunday, April 02, 2023

First Official Calling BS du Jour

Today's the 50th anniversary of The Beatles' iconic red/blue greatest hits albums; remarkable & definitive in their time (I certainly wore them out myself)(no not in 1973, assholes), but now completely obsolete since all the real albums are at our fingertips anyway.

I'm only really bringing this up to officially RAGE WTF on the fact that there are 6 songs off Rubber Soul (6!!!!) while Revolver only has 2 (2!!!!) - and one of them is fucking Yellow Submarine!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡 And it includes both sides of the single from Rubber Soul, but can't be bothered to include Rain, Paperback Writer's b-side, which is better than all the others anyway. 😡😡😡😡

Do we REALLY need Michelle AND Girl?!?!?!? 😡😡😡😡

This is bang right out of order, people.

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