Thursday, April 20, 2023

Fuck John Roberts, Part (Whatever We're Up to Now)

John Roberts has been invited - what a waste of a word - to testify about fellow SCOTUS POS Clarence Thomas's decades of corruption on the bench.

It's funny that for years & years the joke was how Clarence Thomas would show up to work every day and just keep his mouth shut when it's turning out that Supreme Shithead John Roberts has been the super-silent one ever since arriving at the Court, sitting quietly counting the number of future public schools named after himself while the whole branch has become an outrageous joke, which is noteworthy in today's age of public clown assedness. Of course there's no way he's going to testify at all, but at some point Roberts is either gonna hafta tell us that he's been complicit this whole time, or too stupid this whole time. Either way, what a fucking jerfoff.

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