Monday, April 24, 2023

How the End of Elon Musk's Twitter Reign Will End

Anyone who makes a disparaging mark about “the cool kids” or “the cool kids table” desperately wants to be a cool kid at the cool kids table. - XMASTIME

I'm a small, petty man, so watching noted shithead Elon Musk flame out every day desperately playing whack-a-mole with whatever daily dumb shit he's come up with to "own the libs" has been entertaining to watch, culminating in this weekend's Twitter Blue Check Standoff which I believe finally showed Musk's ass re: what his purchase of Twitter really, really is all about:


That's all. And it's easily the closest he's come - so far - to being the second coming of Trump. You'd think being the richest man in history would be enough, but nope. I hate this expression with a passion, but it's obvious he just wants to "sit at the cool kids table".

On a side note, unlike most liberals I have no delusions that Musk will slink away from Twitter penniless & ruined. I'm guessing - and by guessing I know this will 100% happen - that at some point he'll finally give up trying to be the high school football team captain & prom queen and will just want all of his Twitter headaches to go away overnight. Meanwhile, it's hard to imagine another superbillionaire being dumb enough to take it off his hands after watching the last year. And since as Americans we cannot fathom the idea of making a billionaire remotely uncomfortable or sad in any way, I'm guessing - and by guessing I know this will 100% happen - that HEEEEYY WHAT DO YOU KNOW, the US government will step in and bail him out, giving him back his entire $44B. They'll even come up with a warm & fuzzy way of covering for him: oh, we had to let Elon go back to focusing on Tesla/SpaceX et al (for which he's VERY used to getting hundreds of millions of dollars in government subsidies) as noble, jobs-creating projects in his quest to save humanity blah blah blah. Elon Musk has revealed himself to be an absolute dipshit throughout his Twitter debacle, but he knows that suckers like us will be there with a big sack of cash for him when he decides he wants it.


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