Saturday, April 15, 2023

I Am Officially Putting You People On Blast

18 years I've been waiting, 18 years I've now been waiting for you motherfuckers to honor me with my own Wikipedia page that you'd religiously keep updated with comically generous lies. And now I find out that not only is that apparently never gonna happen, but the guy who's the fucking idiot solely responsible for The Beatles not breaking in America until the ruthless march of I Want to Hold Your Hand AND the fucking idiot who had the bright idea to Frankenstein the first bunch of Beatles albums in America, making them nonsensical to anybody who learned about The Beatles after 1967, HAS HIS OWN WIKIPEDIA PAGE!!!!!!
When The Beatles were initially signed to EMI's Parlophone label and began to enjoy considerable success in Britain, Dexter turned down their initial four single releases, believing the group was not suitable for American audiences. He was finally ordered to release "I Want To Hold Your Hand", their fifth UK single, in late 1963.

Dexter oversaw The Beatles' American releases from 1963 through 1966, compiling the albums according to his belief in the different needs of the American market, where albums tended to contain fewer songs than their UK counterparts, and where hit singles were routinely included on albums rather than being considered separate as was then common in the UK.
But oh, here's a cherry on top:

Dexter also remastered the recordings, sometimes adding reverb and altering the stereo picture. The resulting albums achieved great success, but have often been criticized over the years; critic Dave Marsh, for example, referred to Dexter's treatment of the recordings as "genuine stupidity".

So on top of everything else, this jagoff heard the records made by...(checks notes) (checks notes again) ...The Beatles and thought to himself "you know what, I can do better."

Fuck this guy, and fuck everyone who hasn't given me my Wikipedia page yet. Grrr. GRRR!

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