Monday, April 24, 2023

Pride Goeth Before the Fall

The Now-Seemingly-On-the-Nose-Named Proud Boys may be willing to go to prison instead of go free:
The outsized egos that characterize MAGA America will not allow Trump supporters to admit they were wrong. Not even when the costs of refusing to back down are spiraling. In some cases, the massive losses are financial. In others, as with the Proud Boys, they are literally facing the loss of freedom. 

One does start to wonder why these fools went to trial instead of trying to plead down, especially after the Oath Keepers made the same play and ended up being sent to prison. If they were trying to be martyrs, they'd own their behavior openly, instead of playing weaselly word games on the stand. No, it appears the Proud Boys, like the Oath Keepers before them, went this route for a simple reason: Their egos will not let them admit that it was a stupid thing, following Trump to the point of rioting at the Capitol. They'd rather risk hefty prison sentences than say out loud that the liberals were right all along.
I've spent the last 8 years wondering why Republicans seem perfectly content to march themselves into Hell for, of all people so brazenly & openly unworthy, Donald Trump.

But for an instant, quick flash while treading this article it occurred to me to wonder if the end plan may be to use Trump as a real hero/martyr in the same way as James Cagney in the classic Angels with Dirty Faces. On his deathbed, in his last moments before slipping away to that big gold toilet in the sky, what if Trump agreed to "bravely" tell his supporters how much he's lied to them and made them suffer in his name for no real reason, therein releasing them from any more suffering because of him?

And then the flash was over and of course my eyes rolled right out of my head laughing at the chances of that happening, which would be exactly whatever odds are lower than zero odds.

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