Wednesday, April 12, 2023


I love Ted Lasso, I will always love Ted Lasso, but I find myself just kinda dragging through this (supposedly) final season. It still has great moments and I still love the characters. Maybe I'm just bitchy, I'm finding recently that I don't really seem to be happy about anything (other than The Norsemen!) and just bitch about everything I watch even if I like it. I'm sure like everybody else I'll be curled up in a ball during the series finale and instantly start a marathon rewatch, but for now I only have a few thoughts to offer about this week's episode and if I'm being honest I'd say the reason is more of an impulse I seem to have to want to get this shit out my head more than actually celebrating the show.

The first ten minutes did have at least two legit LOLS.

Do the writers understand that the longer they go with the Roy/Keeley thing the less we care? If they're confused then we are too aaaaaaaaaaaaand with each passing week I give less of a shit.

The longer episode run times - 52 fucking minutes - is a killer. I mean ffs that whole Kelley firing whatsherface, a character we'll probably never see again, went on & on & on & on. 

I'm not saying I'm against it but they seem to reeeeeeeeally be leaning into the whole "don't Rebecca and Keeley have amazing tits?" thing these days.

Only just noticing but has Ted barely spent any time with the team as a whole this season? Or with any of the players at all?

I have no idea what the Rebecca matchbook shit is about and am losing interest by the second.

Nobody on Earth right now is believing the hostess suddenly falling in like with Nate. 

Again: do we REALLY buy into Rebecca suddenly screaming at Ted after a loss? If you're suddenly so serious about being able to beat your ex-husband's team then maybe you're gonna hafta replace the guy you intentionally hired to (checks notes) (twice) lose soccer games?

For a show considered the Babe Ruth of curiously quickly ploys the fucking Zava is the biggest of all and begs the question what was the entire point of hm at all?

Speaking of which the whole Ted's kid is a bully thing could've actually been interesting, but of course they nipped it in the bud in the most Ted Lasso of ways within about 10 seconds, so you're left with once again having to wonder why Ted would still be in England after all this time instead of in Kansas with his kid. They do have more than one house there, right?

And thank god for whoever made the decision to keep the kid's "hip hop apology" where it belongs: offscreen.

Im glad Fat Issac has finally lost weight but why'd he wait until season 3?

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