Thursday, April 13, 2023

Xmastime Explains How the World Works to You People

The Gov. Ron DeShithead fight against Disney is more interesting than most “corporation vs. politician showdowns”. Usually, we fetishize these big corporations as Baby Jesus-endorsed magical & benevolent jobs creators and instantly collapse the second they start threatening to move to another city or whatever etc etc and the evil politicians back down and shower said corporation with even more tax breaks and incentives. This is the dance we all know and are accustomed to. But this situation may be a little trickier because it’s the universally beloved Disney, and they’re kind of their own city so it’s not like the Colts moving away overnight.

But over the last decade or so, we’ve seen governors who are trying to run for president proudly brag about how much destruction they’ve done to their own state with austerity measures or just generally screwing over poor people more than usual, wearing their “I’m an asshole who makes tough decisions!” like a badge of honor. But DeShithead’s in a weird position because first of all, as I said before, he’s not going to be president if he runs against Trump. It’s just not going to happen. But to even get that far, to even compete with Trump he’s going to hafta ratchet up the “I’m a bigger asshole!” bona fides to unprecedented – and frankly, frightening – heights, which he may decide includes showing off that he can destroy/run off one of the all-time amazing businesses ever seen in this country, while also introducing the state to new taxes to help him PAY for this Quotidian fight, which will of course *thrill* the same Floridians who never miss an opportunity to blather away about the main reason they love Florida is the little/no taxes.

So DeShithead could immediately destroy his own state’s economy driving away a uniquely beloved corporation while being humiliated daily on a global level the likes of which we haven’t even seen with Trump, now with 4 more years of childish resentment built up, all so he can wake up on January 20, 2025 and watch Joe Biden’s second inauguration. It will at least be interesting to watch. I guess.

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