Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Something Something GPS Blah Blah Blah Something

Wow this seems tragic/right out of an episode of The Office: woman follows her GPS right into a goddam lake or river or whatever, I can't even bother to look.

15 years ago I had the idea to write a movie with a haunted GPS that lures drivers to their deaths, and now it's happened AGAIN, which means I have about 20 minutes to write it and get it in front of Hollywood. Who are currently on strike. Grrr. GRRRR!

At least my old GPS voices riff still cooks like a mofo:
Some of my friends have those GPS map gizmos in their cars, and only recently I’ve realized you can choose the voice you want to have giving you directions as you drive. You can have British-y sounding older dude calmly guiding you, or 40-ish schoolmarm voice navigating for you. Wouldn’t it be great if you could buy more customized voices for your ride? You’re paying for the shit, why not? Such as, if you’re a dude you might go with:

WOMAN’S VOICE: “turn right in 0.4 miles…onto Grant Avenue…mmmmmm baby, you’re really driving me hard today, aren’t you? God, I’m so horny…ooooh, turn right here…jesus, you’re just SO big…mmmmm”

MAN’S VOICE: “turn right in 0.4 miles…onto Grant Avenue…goddam dude, you’re making GREAT time!...seriously, again, going with that higher octane was a great fucking decision…alright, turn right here…Arby’s up ahead, you’re making such great time we can drive thru no problem…”

Or if you’re a woman, you might choose one of these:

: “turn right in 0.4 miles…onto Grant Avenue…jesus, look at that cow 2 cars over! You’re SO much skinnier than her!!...oooh, turn right here… oh, PLEASE, look at yellow Hyundai bitch...yeah, THOSE are real...”

MAN’S VOICE: “turn right in 0.4 miles…onto Grant Avenue…does your mother know you took her car? Oh, this IS Karen! Sorry, you just look so young with that haircut…oooh, turn right here…I’d mention there’s an Arby’s up ahead, but I know you’ll just order some tiny salad and lemon water, which is silly cause you need some meat on those bones…I wish you’d get the 5 roast beefs for $5 deal; hell, you’d be doing me a favor, practically…”

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