Sunday, June 04, 2023

100% Agree.

To whit, from my should-ve-been-award-winning live-blogging of The Beatles' unbelievably great Get Back series (see links on your right in the desktop version)

I know how this whole thing turns out. I know how the songs end up on the album. And yet, as they’re running through them for the first few times, I find myself on the edge of my seat, urging them on to make it through a song, and then yell at the screen for them to quit clowning around when so close to nailing it. Wtf?

The idea that the band is putting themselves under the pressure of writing and recording an entire album to be presented on a live tv special is even crazier when you really that they’d released The White Album - not just an album, but a double album - JUST A MONTH AND A HALF EARLIER!!!

Trippy shit, bruvnahz,

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