Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Blackadder, Babies!!!

The beyond-iconic Blackadder is turning 40 in two days, and right now I can't stop laughing at one of my favorite moments, when William Pitt the Younger gets elected PM while still in grammar school:

Mr. Speaker, members of the House: I shall be brief, as I have, rather unfortunately, become Prime Minister right in the middle of my exams. I look forward to fulfilling my duty in a manner of which Nanny would be proud. I shall introduce legislation to utterly destroy three enemies of the State. The first is that evil dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte.

(Members shout `Here here!!’)

The second is my old Geography master, Bananabreath Scrigshanks. But most of all, sirs, I intend to pursue that utter slob, The Prince of Wales! Why, this year alone, he has spent 15,000 pounds on banqueting (shouts of `boo! boo!’), 20,000 pounds on perfume (members all hold their noses), and — most astonishing of all — an astonishing 59,000 pounds on socks!

Therefore, my three main policy priorities are: 1) War with France; 2) Tougher sentences for geography teachers; and 3) A right royal kick of the Prince’s backside!!

I mean the stuff about the geography teacher kills me every time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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