Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Here's to SATC at 25

Today's apparently the 25th anniversary of the debut of Sex and the City. In my mind it never really was a show to be taken seriously; it’s not really good but not really terrible. And you do hafta give it credit for maybe paving the way on the channel for The Sopranos a year later. But if you lived in New York at the time, like I did, watching it every Sunday night was a communal thing (back in the days when there were such things, of course.) The last woman I fell in love with, I met watching an episode at a friend's party. By the end of the show, the only character I could even remotely stand was Kristen Davis and even she was on thin ice by then. Also, me and Rrthur (YES, ladies, THAT Rrthur!) recorded what had to be the worlds first ever podcast. Haven’t listened to it since and I’m sure its lost forever but we’ll just assume I was laugh out loud funny af.

Anyway, I'm re-watching the pilot right now to celebrate. I even made myself sit thru the opening credits, just like we did back in the day.

I've posted about the show a zillion times, just do your own search dammit.

Here's they are reading their favorite Xmastime posts awwwwwww thanks girls!

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