Saturday, June 03, 2023

Is UberEats Tryng to Stick It To Me?

I have a sneaking suspicion deliverymen are tricking me into tipping more by knocking on the door "shave and a haircut"-style. - XMASTIME

Typically, whenever I order UberEats I meet the driver as he's bringing my food into the lobby. Easy-breezy. The other day I got annoyed because I watched as the car pulled up, but then the driver started blowing up my cellie. It was obvious this was not going to be an easy-breezy handoff. I grouched my fucking way through the lobby door and up to his car, where I could perfectly see my food in a bag on the passenger seat next to him. As I'm getting closer I'm expecting him to lower the window and just hand me the bag through the window. Instead, he waited until I was right up to the door, with me staring through the goddam window at my food, wondering why the hell it wasn't being handed to me.

Then I see him opening his own door on the other side and getting out. Dafuck, I'm thinking, why the fuck doesn't he just roll down the window and hand me the shit?

Then I see...he comes walking around the car to the passenger-side door I'm in front of and he's got some sort of leg deformity; he can walk but it looks like one leg is twisted and about six inches shorter than the other (I didn't wanna stare, thank you very much). At which point I didn't know whether to laugh or cry - is this motherfucker using his leg deformity as a way to squeeze out more of a tip from me?!?!? Does he do this every time? How many times a day does he get yelled at before he starts his little walking routine? Isn't this a bit gauche - especially since I've already (wildly over-)tipped him through the app...was this little shit trying to pull a goddam Peter Leroy on me???

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